

Translating complex production processes or highly detailed machine components requires a sound overall understanding of the technical context. Thanks to many years of experience with automotive-related texts and close cooperation with specialists in this field, LINGUITY is able to offer specialized expertise in a variety of different language combinations.

Because of the high demands for translations of technical documents and other texts from the area of automotive engineering, all technical texts at LINGUITY are processed exclusively by local specialists who have either received training in a technical field or have gained many years of professional experience in translating texts of this nature. 

We also offer special services which improve the cooperation between us and the client as well as the quality of the translation. These include creating new and importing existing translation memories, glossaries and style guides, linking existing content management systems and extensive experience in file engineering. And of course, data protection is a top priority at LINGUITY.

LINGUITY is a competent and reliable partner for all kinds of technical translations. We provide you with a comprehensive service and overall consultation on process design and technical solutions as well as on quality assurance and cost savings through word repetitions and automated procedures. 

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